Third-party terms and additional fees may apply. Monitoring alerts, data downloads, and feature updates are available through the end of your membership term.After copying the list information, you can make changes to the lists at any time. To set up a new file with your existing lists, use Export and Import to copy everything except the transactions from an existing file. In the Include in Export list, select the items to include in the export.To export only those transactions that occurred during a specific interval of time, enter the beginning and ending dates of that time interval. In the Include Transactions in Dates field, enter the dates of transactions to export.Note: If you're exporting data only from lists and not exporting transactions, it doesn't matter which account you select here. In the Quicken Account to Export from list, select the account from which to export transactions.

Enter a name in the File name field, and then click OK to return to the QIF Export window.